Tuesday, December 17, 2024

An Interesting DIY Project in Instructables; Lego Printer


One of the most significant quality of 3D printing differs it from the other technologies is the fact that it can be used by anyone. It can become an engineer’s R&D partner as well as a toy for a kid. It is even possible to make your own printer just like this 12 year old maker who developed a 3D printer with legos.

3D sector is seperating into two different application areas as personal and professional use and we hear great developments from both parts. 12 year old Amogh, living in India, made a 3D printer by himself by using his LEGO Mindstroms EV3 and 3D pen.

The contraption of the printer is based on motors moving around the extruding pen in three-dimensional space, while following the basic rules of just about every 3D printer out there today. With the help of his mom, this 12 year-old inventor has set up an instructables page detailing exactly how he built the machine and how it works thusly;


“This is a 3D printer made using Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit. The core of it is the 3D pen that dispenses melted plastic. Movement of the pen in 3 different axes is provisioned by mindstorms motors and they are controlled by lego mindstorms program uploaded into mindstorm brick. Different patterns can be made by writing different programs. I would like to enter the contest in minor category.”


Engin Buzhttp://printing3d.news
After graduating from the Department of Journalism in the Faculty of Communication at Ankara University, Mr. Engin Buz completed his master's degree in Yıldız Technical University's Department of Political Science and International Relations. In 2000, he began his career as a reporter working in various publishing companies and he has prepared culture-art and economic news. Working as an editor in publications for the textile industry since 2009, Buz has started to work at Textilegence established in 2013. Engin Buz is currently preparing business news for the textile and digital printing industries prominently.

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