Thursday, January 16, 2025

Driverless Vehicle WiGo is under The Spotlight of GITEX


Serving with the motion of making life easier with robotics, DigiRobotics developed a driverless vehicle. Called WiGo, this car received great interest at GITEX 2016 where it was firstly exhibited.

3D car manufcaturing is not something very unfamilir to us. But what about a 3D printed and driverless car? The inventor of this idea, DigiRobotics showed that this is possible with ‘WiGo’.

At the GITEX technology week that take place in DWTC on 16-20 of October 2016 our creation – WiGo will comfortably transport visitors from a Dubai World Trade Centre metro station to Exhibition Gate autonomously…


It is the first 3d printed unmanned vehicle, manufactured, assembled and programmed in the UAE that would welcome visitors to the malls, airports, universities, exhibitions or any other controlled public areas. With the powerful sensor system WIGO is highly environmentally friendly delivering the most accurate real time 3d data. The brilliant GPS tracking system in WIGO, recognises obstacles and automatically stops or take alternative path, making it safe for the public.



Engin Buz
After graduating from the Department of Journalism in the Faculty of Communication at Ankara University, Mr. Engin Buz completed his master's degree in Yıldız Technical University's Department of Political Science and International Relations. In 2000, he began his career as a reporter working in various publishing companies and he has prepared culture-art and economic news. Working as an editor in publications for the textile industry since 2009, Buz has started to work at Textilegence established in 2013. Engin Buz is currently preparing business news for the textile and digital printing industries prominently.

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