Formed by 3 engineers in 2014, 3D printer manufacturer Zaxe offers 3D technology to Turkish customers. The company stated that it will support Turkish 3D market with its X1 printer and various new solutions.
Starting as an enterprise, Zaxe’s printer developed and designed by the company itself, receives great interest from the users. Completed in September 2015 after extensive testing and development process, this printer offers solution in educational, personal and professional use. Becoming the winner of ‘Bosses of The Future’ contest brought investors and startups together, Zaxe shows that Turkey has enough potential to be a powerful 3D manufacturer and market.
Presenting its solutions at Sign İstanbul and 3D Print Expo, Zaxe team defended that Turkey has interest toward 3D technology and with some support Turkish manufacturers can reach to the level of global brands. Saying that Turkish startups should be supported in that sense, Zaxe Geçen sene Sign İstanbul ve bu sene mayıs ayında gerçekleşen 3D Print Expo fuarında ürünlerini sergileyen Zaxe ekibi Türkiye’de 3D teknolojisine karşı ilginin oldukça fazla olduğunu belirterek yerli firmaların finans ve pazarlama desteğiyle dünya markalarıyla kapışacak seviyeye geleceğini savunuyor. Bu anlamda Türk girişimcilere destek verilmesi gerektiğine değinen Zaxe General Vice President Koray Kurhan said that they have international development plans as well.